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Filtering Names in Google Sheets

When working with a list of names in Google Sheets , you might need to filter them based on specific criteria. One common task is filtering ...

When working with a list of names in Google Sheets, you might need to filter them based on specific criteria. One common task is filtering names by their first letter. Whether you’re organizing contact lists, creating mailing labels, or analyzing data, this guide will walk you through the process.

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Google Sheets provides powerful tools for data manipulation, and filtering names is no exception. By following a few simple steps, you can extract the first letter of each name and organize your data efficiently.

How to Filter Names by First Letter

    1. Extract the First Letter of Each Word (Non-array method):

        o Let’s assume your list of names is in column A (starting from cell A2).

        o Use the following formula to split the string into words:

         =SPLIT(A2, " ")

        o Then, extract the first letter from each word using:

          =JOIN("", ARRAYFORMULA(LEFT(SPLIT(A2, " "), 1)))

        o This will give you an abbreviation with the first letters of each word.

    2. Easiest Way (Array Formula 1):

        o If you’re not concerned about case sensitivity, use this formula:

         =REGEXREPLACE(PROPER(A2), "[^A-Z]+", "")

                It converts all extracted letters to uppercase.

    3. Case Sensitive (Array Formula 2):

        o If you want case-sensitive results, use this formula:

         =REGEXREPLACE(A2, "[^A-Za-z]+", "")

        Remember to adjust the cell references based on your actual data!


Filtering names by the first letter is a handy technique for organizing and analyzing data in Google Sheets. Whether you’re managing a contact list or preparing a report, these methods will help you streamline your workflow.

Happy filtering! 🚀

Feel free to explore more Google Sheets features and let me know if you have any other questions! 😊

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