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Unwanted WhatsApp Group Invites? Here’s How to Stop Them

Are you tired of getting unwanted WhatsApp group invites? Whether it’s a random group chat from someone you barely know or an incessant stre...

Are you tired of getting unwanted WhatsApp group invites? Whether it’s a random group chat from someone you barely know or an incessant stream of notifications from groups you have no interest in, unsolicited WhatsApp group invites can be quite a nuisance. Fortunately, there are effective ways to put an end to this. In this guide, we will walk you through how to stop unwanted WhatsApp group invites and regain control of your notifications.

Why You’re Getting Unwanted WhatsApp Group Invites

WhatsApp allows any user with your phone number to add you to a group chat without your consent. This can lead to a barrage of unwanted invitations, especially if your number has been shared publicly or you’re part of a large network. These unsolicited invites not only clutter your chat list but can also be intrusive and disruptive.

How to Stop Unwanted WhatsApp Group Invites

Here are some practical steps you can take to stop unwanted WhatsApp group invites:

1. Update Your Privacy Settings

WhatsApp has privacy settings that let you control who can add you to groups. Here’s how you can update these settings:

1. Open WhatsApp and go to Settings.

2. Tap on  Account, then Privacy.

3. Select Groups.

4. Choose one of the following options:

   - Everyone: Anyone can add you to groups.

   - My Contacts: Only your contacts can add you to groups.

   - My Contacts Except...: Select specific contacts who cannot add you to groups.

   - Nobody: No one can add you to groups without your permission.

Selecting My Contacts Except… or Nobody will significantly reduce the number of unwanted group invites.

2. Report and Block Spammers

If you continue to receive unwanted invites from unknown contacts, you can report and block these numbers. Here’s how:

1. Open the chat with an unknown number.

2. Tap on the contact name or number at the top of the screen.

3. Scroll down and select Report Contact.

4. After reporting, tap Block Contact.

This will prevent the contact from sending you further messages or adding you to groups.

3. Leave and Mute Groups

If you’ve already been added to groups you don’t want to be part of, you can leave the group and mute notifications:

1. Open the group chat.

2. Tap on the group name at the top of the screen.

3. Scroll down and select Exit Group.

4. Confirm by tapping Exit.

To avoid notifications without leaving, you can mute the group:

  • 1. Open the group chat.
  • 2. Tap on the group name at the top of the screen.
  • 3. Select Mute Notifications.
  • 4. Choose the duration for which you want to mute notifications.

4. Use Third-Party Apps

There are third-party apps available that can help manage and block unwanted WhatsApp messages and group invites. However, be cautious and ensure you are using a reputable app to avoid compromising your privacy and security.


Dealing with unwanted WhatsApp group invites can be frustrating, but by adjusting your privacy settings and taking a few proactive steps, you can significantly reduce the number of unsolicited invites you receive. Keep your WhatsApp settings updated and don’t hesitate to report and block contacts that abuse the group invite feature. Take control of your WhatsApp experience and enjoy a clutter-free chat list.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your WhatsApp remains a tool for meaningful communication rather than a source of annoyance. If you found this guide helpful, share it with your friends and family to help them stop unwanted WhatsApp group invites too!


1. Can I stop all WhatsApp group invites entirely?

While you cannot completely stop all group invites, you can restrict them to a great extent by setting your group privacy settings to My Contacts Except…or **Nobody.

2. What should I do if I receive spam group invites?

Report and block the contact immediately to prevent further spam. Additionally, adjust your privacy settings to reduce the likelihood of future spam.

3. Are third-party apps safe to use for blocking WhatsApp invites?

Some third-party apps can be useful, but always ensure you use reputable ones and read reviews to avoid compromising your security and privacy.

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