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How to make Remix Reels on Instagram | Instagram

As we all know, Instagram is a widely used social networking. Instagram routinely provide updates to the App . In an update we have seen va...

As we all know, Instagram is a widely used social networking. Instagram routinely provide updates to the App . In an update we have seen vanish mode, which is a kind of private chat feature that can be activated sliding upward in a chat Box.

Some months ago, Instagram has provided a reel option through will people can make their short video of nearly 15 sec and upload to Instagram.

In a new update Instagram provided a method of creating a remix reel. Instagram said this thing through a post on Instagram. The post can be seen below.

Here are the steps through which you can make a remix reel.

Step 1: Find a Reel you want to remix.

Step 2: Click on the three-dot menu on the Reel you have selected and then click on “Remix this Reel”.

Step 3: You will see the screen split into two - one side will have the original Reel and the other will have the new one you are about to create.

Step 4: Start recording and creating your own Reel. Your recording will be side-by-side to the original reel.

Step 5: Once you are done recording you can change the volume of the original Reel, your own recorded audio and even add a voiceover if you want. 

Step 6: To change the volume you need to tap on the slider icon on top and to add a voiceover tap the microphone icon.

Step 7: Once you are done editing, you are ready to post your remixed Reel.

Hurray! You have successfully created an Remix reel.

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