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How to find the Closest COVID-19 vaccination center near you through Google Maps | How to

As we all know that, Our India is dealing with Covid 2.O (the second wave of Covid-19 ) and the Government has launched the third phase of v...

As we all know that, Our India is dealing with Covid 2.O (the second wave of Covid-19 ) and the Government has launched the third phase of vaccination, and targets to vaccinate people above the age of 45 years of age first. 

Currently, India is vaccinating people with 2 of the approved vaccines they are Covisheild, which is being produced by the Serum Institute of India, and Covaxcin, which is developed by Hyderabad based Bharat Biotech. A new vaccine has also been approved by the indian government is Sputnik V . The first batch of Russia’s Sputnik V will be delivered this month.

So , how to find the vaccination centre nearest to you? In this article I will tell you nearest vaccination centre cam be found through Google maps only! Its not a rocket science. 

Here are the steps through which you can do so:

1. You can get on Google Maps and just search for vaccination centres on the app.

2. The search results are going to pull up all nearby vaccination centres near you on the map.

3. And apart from telling you far they are from you, the app is also going to inform you whether it is open or not.

Be safe and don't go outside untill very necessary. Minimise human contact as much as possible and always wear a mask.

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