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Do you know how to chat on Google Photos? | Here it is| Tips and tricks

We all are very well aware of Google photos. But, Most if us are aware of only some of the Features of Google Photos like backing up photos ...

We all are very well aware of Google photos. But, Most if us are aware of only some of the Features of Google Photos like backing up photos , sharing of the photos and videos By creating a link for them Etc.

But, Do you know that you can also chat in the Google photos? Yes, you read it right. According to a new feature of Google photos you can now chat to anyone within google photos.

But, as this is an photo backup application as the name suggests so offcourse it can not replace the other social media chatting applications. But, this can also be a way of talking. In this article I will be telling you that how can you chat with the help of Google Photos.

Here's the method through which you can do so.

Step 1: To start off, open the Google Photos app and tap on any image or video from your gallery that you want to share.

Step 2 : Next, tap on the share icon on the bottom left corner.

Step 3:  Under ‘Send’, tap on the name or email ID of the user you want to message.

Step 4: Once this is done, you will be taken to the new messaging screen with a thumbnail preview of the photo/video you were sharing. You can now tap send or write a message to go with the thumbnail. Whoever receives the photo/video can just reply like they would to a normal text.

Step 5 :Now this chat is open you can start a conversation about the photo/video shared, send other photos and videos and add these received images to your library. There are also read receipts so as you know when the other person has seen your text. You can also react to messages and photos with hearts. To see all the media that has been sent or received, you need to tap on the Photos button in the upper right corner.

Step 6:And if you want to go back to any old messaging threads, you just need to head over to the Sharing section of Google Photos from the gallery.

Hurray! You know how to chat on Google Photos. 

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