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Twitter Testing 4K Resolution Image Upload from the Mobile App

Twitter working on a server update which allow you to upload the image in 4K resolution and able to set the image appearance on the timeline...

Twitter working on a server update which allow you to upload the image in 4K resolution and able to set the image appearance on the timeline. This new update is announce by twitter support on twitter through a tweet.

After the update you can upload the 4K resolution that is 4096x4096 pixels resolution from your twitter mobile app which previously only available for the users uploading from the web.

This update is still in the testing face and available for the users who are selected for the test run. If you are selected for the testing case then you have to follow the below steps to enable the feature.

  1. Go to Setting and Privacy
  2. Click on Data Usage
  3. Click on High Quality Image
  4. Change the network preference whether you want to Mobile Data and Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Only.

 In this new update you can also change the image size appearance on your timeline.

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