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Google updated Google Fit to Measure Heart Rate and Respiration

Google Fit was launched in October, 2014 and after its launch there are many updates have been added to the launched version. Recently ...

Google Fit was launched in October, 2014 and after its launch there are many updates have been added to the launched version. Recently Google added one more update which helps you to measure your heart rate and respiration by using your google fit app.

Currently this feature will be available only for Google pixel users and to use this feature then need to use their phone camera. Previously Google fit uses smartphones sensor to measure how much distance you walked and how much calories burn these features are available for every smartphone users but the new update is only for Google pixel users and to use this features they need to use their smartphone camera.

Sensors and software that make it possible to take stunning photos with smartphones or automatically adapt streaming video to how handsets are held can be used to sense respiration and heartbeat.
We are seeing more and more smart devices that have more and more sensors in them and spotlighting the smartphone as the most ubiquitous. The same sensors can be used for health and wellness.
                              - Shwetak Patel( Google Health Technologies Team Leader )

The update will be available from next month and to use this feature users need to open their camera and place their fingerprint on the lens which will measure the heart rate and respiration. 

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