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Google Included Dark Mode Feature in Google Maps for Android Users

Google included the dark mode feature in the Google Map for the Android users. The dark mode feature was in testing from months and now...

Google included the dark mode feature in the Google Map for the Android users. The dark mode feature was in testing from months and now after successful testing Google announces the inclusion for the Android users. This dark mode will help you in minimizing the battery usage and the data usage too. It will be help full for the users driving in night so that the brightness will not put strain on the eyes.

To Enable the Dark Mode in Google Maps Follow the Below Steps:-

  1. Open Your Google Maps
  2. Go to Setting of the Google Maps
  3. Tap on Theme
  4. Click on Always in Dark Theme
The Google announces the Dark Mode feature but when they will start this service, there is no update on that and in the latest version of Google Maps the feature is not included yet.

After changing to dark mode if you want to switch back to the Light Mode, Follow the below steps:-
  1. Open Your Google Maps
  2. Go to Setting of the Google Maps
  3. Tap on Theme
  4. Click on Always in Light Theme

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