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Google May Pay You For Testing App On Your Smartphone - Task Mate

Task Mate As all we know Google Pay reward cash back to you while making payment through Google Pay App. Now Google is testing to earn real ...

Task Mate
Task Mate

As all we know Google Pay reward cash back to you while making payment through Google Pay App. Now Google is testing to earn real money just  by doing simple tasks in your  smart phone.

As per reports by apps called Task Mate will make earn real money to selected user through referral code.

As per report google will have simple Task in task mate related to  'Businesses Around The World'. 

These tasks have been divided into two part Sitting tasks and Field tasks. These tasks will include taking pictures and attempting survey.

Roll out of the app is not yet clear. As this app is in early access phase. So if you have referral code then you download and use this App. Currently Task mate is in Beta version . you can downlead it from Pay Store. 

Currently is you have referral code then only you will be able to use Task mate app. Fe of the features are as follows:

* Find tasks nearby

* Complete a task to begin earning

* Cash out your earnings

Few of the screen shot are as follows.

Task Mate
Screenshot 1

Task Mate
Screenshot 2

Task Mate
Screenshot 3

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